Cancellation Policies
L’Enclume Restaurant Cancellation Policy
Guests are required to provide credit card details to secure the reservation. Cancellation of your reservation less than 7 days before your visit will incur a charge of £265 per person at both lunch and dinner.
L’Enclume Rooms Cancellation Policy
Guests are required to provide credit card details to secure the reservation. Cancellation of your reservation less than 14 days before your visit, will incur a charge of the full rate of the package or accommodation and dinner if you are not on a package (£265 per person for lunch and dinner).
We respectfully advise our customers that in most cases we will no longer accept Covid-19 as a valid reason for cancelling.
Please find the Aulis Cartmel Cancellation Policy here.
Our menu prices are per person and include VAT. Prices are subject to change. There will be a discretionary service charge added to your bill. Any dietary requirements must be notified in advance.